Bleeding in pregnancy.
Bleeding in pregnancy may happen especially during the first trimester. Although it is a common symptom but if that happens to you, consult your doctor immediately. The spotting or bleeding may be due to these possible causes:
Bleeding after implantation:
Your pregnancy is confirmed and you are excited for the new journey of life. But during the initial six to twelve days, you may observe some spotting. It happens when the egg implants itself in the inner lining of the uterus.
Ectopic Pregnancy:
When the fertilized embryo is implanted outside the uterus, that is, in the fallopian tube it may also sometimes present with spotting/bleeding.
The danger of miscarriage exists uptill the 12 weeks of pregnancy. If you see bleeding along with cramps in the lower abdomen, it might indicate chances of miscarriage.
Bleeding towards the last trimester may happen due to these:
- Placenta Previa: When placenta sits low on the uterus then it may lead to bleeding.
- Placenta Abruption: It is the case when placenta disrupts from the uterus. A lot of blood pools between the uterus and the placenta that leaks.
A few other causes of bleeding during initial phase of pregnancy include:
Infection: Any infection through vagina, cervix, and sexually transmitted diseases can cause bleeding.
Cervical Changes: During pregnancy, your cervix undergoes some changes. If during this time, you undergo physical intercourse or a pap smear test, you might see some bleeding.
Premature labor can also cause vaginal bleeding when the mucus plug passes through vagina. If this happens to you before the 37th week of pregnancy, you must immediately contact your doctor.