Pregnancy Diet - Dietitian in Greater Noida
The period when a female bear the child in her womb is crucial. The nourishment during this time is important not just for the mother but also for the baby. Experts have stated that a pregnant woman needs more protein, iron, calcium and folic acid. A pregnant woman should consult a specialist to confirm whether she is consuming a healthy and rich diet or not. She must stick to eating healthy food. During pregnancy, the number of nutrients needed is higher.
Diet In Pregnancy
If you have just conceived and have started feeling low on energy, you immediately need a balanced diet plan. Consult a doctor or a dietician at Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic. Our experts understand the body’s nutritional needs. She will suggest a balanced diet for the pregnant female. Our healthcare establishment is to support a pregnant female throughout her journey. From the very beginning, consultation for a healthy diet is important. You must not ignore its relevance and find the best solution.
Why is it that a female would need more folic acid when pregnant?
Folic acid is a Vitamin B. A female would need more of Folic Acid to prevent any neural tube defects. These defects may be observed in organs like the baby’s brain and spinal cord.
What is the amount of Folic Acid that a pregnant female would need per day?
A female would need around 400 micrograms of folic acid per day which is usually started 3 months before she conceives and then it is continues during pregnancy
What do you think should I eat to include enough sources of Folic Acid in my diet?
You must meet our expert gynecologist in this regard. She will ask you to include fortified or enriched cereals, citrus fruits, beans, and leafy green vegetables.
According to the obstetrician at your clinic, which food items should a pregnant female not eat?
A few foods items are asked to avoid as they are bad for the health of the baby. The obstetrician at our clinic will ask to avoid a few types of food and beverages. According to her, a pregnant female must not eat:
1. Undercooked or raw fish/Meat
2. Alcohol.
3. Raw Eggs.
4. Caffeine.
5. Cheese and unpasteurized milk.
6. Uncooked and organ Meat
Why do obstetricians suggest a healthy diet during pregnancy?
A healthy diet during pregnancy is essential for the brain development of the fetus. If a mother eats healthy, there are chances that the child will have a healthy birth weight. The enriched diet will save a child from being born with anemia and birth defects.
On the same hand, a mother can be free from feelings of fatigue and morning sickness.
I am 2 months pregnant now. Do I need Vitamin D during pregnancy?
Vitamin D is needed for proper development of bones and teeth in the fetus. It also helps to have perfect eyesight and healthy skin.
For vegetarians, exposure to the Sun and milk are essential sources of Vitamin D. Sun rays help to convert a chemical under the skin to Vitamin D.
Is it safe to eat fish during pregnancy? What does your doctor have to say about this?
If pregnant, then you must think twice before eating fish.
The high levels of mercury can impact mental health and cause birth defects. This who love fish can choose fresh water fishes.
How does caffeine affect the fetus? Why do doctors recommend to cut down on high caffeine consumption?
Caffeine is a psychoactive substance mainly found in soft drinks, coffee, tea, etc. If a pregnant female consumes caffeine, it is absorbed quickly by the placenta and fetus. It can further cause low birth weight when a child is born.
Low birth weight can increase the risk of chronic diseases when the child becomes an adult.

Dr. Smiti Jain
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
With more than a decade of experience in both government run and privately managed healthcare facilities, Dr. Smiti Jain is fully qualified in delivering the highest level of quality care in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics .
Opening Hours
Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Evening 05:30 PM – 07:00 PM
Sunday: By Appointment
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Womens and Child Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM
- Evening 07:00 PM – 08:30 PM