Tubal Ligation and Sterilization Treatment in Greater Noida West
Giving birth to a child is completely a couple’s choice. The role of both the male and female is relevant. Similarly, not having a child must come from both. So, a woman can choose a method that helps in birth control, if you feel you have completed your family. This is the right time to think of female sterilization or tubal ligation.
Laparoscopy Tubal Ligation and Sterilization
The procedure of tubal ligation in females is about preventing unwanted pregnancy. Not everyone can perform the surgical procedure. Females need an experienced gynecologist to help them in birth control through both surgical or non-surgical methods. You can choose to visit Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic where care and indisputable service is the prime motive. Dr. Smiti, as well as the entire clinic staff, is trained and experienced in their skills offering extreme comfort to the patients.
How do you conduct tubal ligation or sterilization?
Our experts adopt different techniques but we recommend a laparoscopy to the patients who look for a permanent solution for preventing pregnancy.
Is the laparoscopic surgery for tubal ligation safe?
Yes, the laparoscopic surgery for tubal ligation is extremely safe. You just need an expert like Dr. Smiti to address the case.
How do you perform tubal ligation with laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery for tubal ligation uses a thin tube. It is inserted after an incision near the belly button. The abdomen is then inflated with the gas. This gas does not harm any pelvic organs.
Through a second incision, our doctor will try to reach the fallopian tubes. As soon as the fallopian tubes can be accessed, clipped, tied and sealed. The instruments are withdrawn after the procedure and the cuts are sealed through stitches.
Do ovulation and menstruation continue even after tubal ligation?
Yes, ovulation and menstruation continue even after tubal ligation. These biological processes stop when a female undergoes menopause. It will be a natural process.
Are there any side effects from laparoscopic surgery for a tubal ligation?
Yes, sometimes the surgery can cause minor side-effects. These may include:
1. Dizziness.
2. Nausea.
3. Abdominal Cramping.
4. Shoulder pain.
5. Bloating.
Sometimes, a patient may also have swelling or fever. But this will be temporary.
What are the precautions one needs to take after the laparoscopic tubal ligation?
Dr. Smiti will strongly recommend you not to lift heavy for a few weeks.
What if I change my mind to conceive a child in the future but I have undertaken laparoscopic tubal ligation?
You must visit our clinic to seek a suitable remedy for it. Dr. Smiti always suggests that tubal ligation must be chosen only when the idea of no pregnancy is confirmed. The reverse action is possible but the success rate of pregnancy is low.
Through the surgical procedure, the blocked segments of the fallopian tubes can be tied. But we do not guarantee the conception. In some cases, it will be an ectopic pregnancy which anyways needs to be dropped.
Is laparoscopic surgery the only option for female sterilization?
No, laparoscopic surgery is not the only option for female sterilization. It can be done through open surgery
Is there a difference between tubal ligation and sterilization?
Sterilization is the way to permanently prevent pregnancy when a woman chooses it. Tubal ligation is a way to achieve it. The process involves an incision is made to complete the surgery. The fallopian tubes are tied or you can say they are clamped together.

Dr. Smiti Jain
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
With more than a decade of experience in both government run and privately managed healthcare facilities, Dr. Smiti Jain is fully qualified in delivering the highest level of quality care in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics .
Opening Hours
Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Evening 05:30 PM – 07:00 PM
Sunday: By Appointment
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Womens and Child Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM
- Evening 07:00 PM – 08:30 PM