Laparoscopy Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease Treatment In Greater Noida
Bearing and giving birth to a child is a pleasure for females. But not all are lucky! Some females find it difficult to conceive a child. The reasons behind can be many but a very common cause is that of PCOD. It is an abbreviated name for PolyCystic Ovarian Disease/Syndrome.
Laparoscopy Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease
In the few females, who suffer from PCOS, symptoms like irregular periods or no menstrual cycles at all exist. Have you developed these irregularities along with acne, obesity and excessive hair growth? If yes, then you may have PCOS. It is a matter of concern but not for worrying. But PCOS needs immediate attention because the long persistence of the disorder increases the risk of diabetes and heart diseases in females. To treat the disorders like this, you just need an expert gynecologist. Visit Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic to find the best solution from our experienced doctor. Our clinic employs well-trained staff to help the patients understand the illness and recover fast from it. We have a well-equipped facility that enables us to render high-quality services.
What methods do you use to treat PCOS?
The doctor at our clinic may recommend both surgical and non-surgical methods to treat the PCOS. The idea is to regularize the hormone production enabling the patient to conceive a child
This can be a recurring disorder which can be treated by a surgical procedure called Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling. This procedure can help trigger ovulation in females.
How long does it take to recover from a laparoscopic procedure?
It may take about 2 to 4 weeks to recover completely after the laparoscopic procedure. But the patient can get back to work in just 24 hours.
How does laparoscopy help a female in PCOS?
PCOS prevents a female from conceiving a child because she is not ovulating at regular intervals. When the conception is not made possible even after the weight loss and fertility medicines, then laparoscopy becomes important.
The surgery can help the females restore their ovulation cycles and further assist in conception.
Does the laparoscopic procedure to treat PCOS involve any risks?
There are following risk in the procedure, although rare chances of these risks
1. Infection of the incision.
2. Internal bleeding.
3. Accidental Injury.
4. Scarring inside the body.
5. Pain in the body after the procedure.
6. Bleeding from an incision.
What happens in a laparoscopic procedure to treat PCOS?
Our specialist Dr.Smiti will cut an incision near your belly. She will then insert a laparoscope, a thin tube with a camera fitted on the other end, through this incision. The thin tube helps to inflate the abdomen using carbon dioxide without damaging the internal organs. She will then examine the internal organs and insert the instrument to correct the condition by drilling holes in ovary.
Is laparoscopic surgery safe for PCOS?
Yes, the laparoscopic surgery is completely safe to treat PCOS.
Is Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling helpful in treating PCOS infertility?
Yes, Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling helpful in treating PCOS infertility. It triggers ovulation in females. The success rate of pregnancy after laparoscopy is high.
Do we still need fertility drugs after laparoscopic ovarian drilling to treat PCOS?
Yes you may need fertility drugs even after laparoscopic ovarian drilling.
After laparoscopic ovarian drilling, after how long will I be able to conceive a child?
After laparoscopic ovarian drilling, you can conceive a child as early as possible. We have observed this as a case in many of our patients. They have been able to bear the child after treatment.

Dr. Smiti Jain
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
With more than a decade of experience in both government run and privately managed healthcare facilities, Dr. Smiti Jain is fully qualified in delivering the highest level of quality care in the fields of gynecology and obstetrics .
Opening Hours
Dr. Smiti Women’s Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Evening 05:30 PM – 07:00 PM
Sunday: By Appointment
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Womens and Child Clinic
(Mon to Sat)
- Morning 12:30 PM – 02:30 PM
- Evening 07:00 PM – 08:30 PM