Menopause is no disease. It is just a biological event in a female body. So, it needs no medical treatment. Most treatments that doctors provide are to relieve you from the symptoms of menopause or to manage conditions that often arise due to aging.
Discussed in brief here are the treatments that doctors commonly prescribe to manage symptoms.
Hormone therapy

Estrogen therapy is one of the most effective treatments that relieve women of hot flashes. Your doctor may prescribe the lowest dose of this hormone for a short time frame, depending on your family history and your health condition.
Women with intact uterus may also need progestin with estrogen.
Some studies show that long term hormone usage may increase risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease, but using hormones for a short period during the onset of menopause is shown to benefit women.
You can consult a leading gynaecologist in Gaur City regarding pros and cons of this therapy and whether it is suitable for you.

For women who are not eligible for hormone therapy, certain antidepressants in low doses can help. These are from the class of drugs known as SSRIs – Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. They help to relieve hot flashes. They also benefit women who suffer from severe mood swings.
Vaginal estrogen

Gynecologists prescribe vaginal ring, tablet, or cream that contains estrogen to mitigate vaginal dryness. Your vaginal tissues absorb the estrogen released by this treatment. As you get relief from dryness, discomfort or pain during sex decreases.

This is a treatment for seizures, but is also found to relieve hot flashes, especially those that happen at night. Women who are not good candidates for estrogen therapy can benefit from this treatment.

A patch or pill of Clonidine relieves hot flashes. It is originally an anti-hypertensive drug, but gynecologists prescribe it to women who experience severe and frequent hot flashes.
Treatment for osteoporosis

With the decline in estrogen, the risk of osteoporosis increases. Your gyne will prescribe you necessary medications that help to decrease risk of fractures and loss of bone. They may also prescribe Vitamin D supplements for bone strengthening.
Type of treatment depends on individual health and severity of menopause symptoms.
Please consult a doctor and discuss your condition with her.
Your doctor may inquire you about:
- Your last period
- Frequency and severity of symptoms
- Things that make your symptoms better and worse
Menopause symptoms vary in women. Some hardly get symptoms and enter menopause smoothly. Some may experience mild symptoms, while for some, entering menopause seems to be like entering a nightmare.
Please discuss your symptoms with your gynecologist . Some women experience wild mood swings. They may even go into depression. Talking to a doctor helps. Do not ignore whatever is happening in your mind and body. Support from your family, friends, and your gyne can help you cope with this transition in your life.
Menopause is nothing abnormal or bad. It is just that your body is turning over a new leaf. Your ovaries have done their job and now they are retiring!