One of the most annoying conditions that women face is yeast or Candida infection. It usually affects the vagina, as this is the area least exposed to sunlight and is moist. It provides the perfect environment for fungal or yeast growth.
Candida growth can also occur between the toes, in armpits, and inside the mouth, called thrush. Men can also get affected by this infection; but women are more vulnerable to this infection.
Why are women more vulnerable to yeast infection?

One of the major reasons for the high vulnerability of women to yeast infection is hormonal changes. The main hormones playing a role here are progesterone and estrogen and these are female hormones, making females more vulnerable to infection. The female body goes through a series of biological events like menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy. All these feature hormonal shifts. Thyroid disorder and ovarian failure also leads to hormonal fluctuations.
Apart from this, prolonged use of antibiotics, unhealthy diet, and use of birth control pills also changes hormone levels and may give yeast a chance to grow.
According to a reputable doctor, wearing too tight underwear or wearing synthetic underwear daily, or using douches, not changing clothes after workout, or wearing moist underwear, or consuming high sugar in diet can also cause yeast infection. If you are diabetic or overweight, you are more prone to getting yeast infection.
Studies prove it

Consistent studies in this regard reveal that high level of estrogen encourages the growth of Candida. In fact, Candida thrives when estrogen levels are high in you! Many women suffer from vaginal yeast infection prior to their periods. This is because estrogen levels are high before periods.
Role of progesterone
As per an article published by scientists from UK and Portugal in 2014, they conducted a study on the effect of progesterone on yeast Candida. They found that this hormone decreased the infection of Candida when in high amount. The hormone suppresses the yeast genes required for the onset of infection.
Progesterone is in high amount in the body during pregnancy and in the luteal phase, which is the phase between ovulation and the onset of periods. So, it seems that the major culprit hormone for Candida infection is estrogen.
How to deal with infection?
Gynecologists in Noida Extension advise women to include probiotics in their diet. This encourages formation of good bacteria in the body system. These bacteria fight yeast infection and also prevent it.
Antibiotics kill good bacteria too. That’s the reason prolonged and heavy use of antibiotics can cause yeast infection. Women should eat yoghurt or curd almost daily, recommend doctors. Diet regulates the internal environment of your body. It’s true that what you eat is what you become. This is because what you eat affects the quality and amount of good bacteria in your system. These are natural-occurring bacteria present to save you from nasty fungal and yeast infections and other microbe invasions.
If you are suffering from a yeast infection and it doesn’t seem to go, please consult a gynecologist in Greater Noida for proper treatment.